Monday, 19 November 2012

Speedometer reset problems

It would seem the digital speedometer can have problems too. I posted this short video Speedometer reset procedures ideas and tips about a few place that may help someone trying to find information for thier particular vehicle.
While doing a little reseach for the post I became aware that there is a growing problem of odometer rollback in the United Staes and other countries too. There are devices that can be bought that can actually alter the digital readout displaying on the dashboard. These low life people do not seem to give a hoot about peoples saety of the way it can hood wink unknowing people buying what they think is alow mileage car.


Tuesday, 6 November 2012

How to buy a used car

Found this rather basic but informative video on how to buy a used car. The message would seem to be,"Be Prepared", and do your homework.

Used or secondhand cars are cheaper than new but you need to do the work if you want to make it a good buy. Remember someone else has moved on to a newer or different car, for whatever reason. So set your budget, think about the type and specification of vehicle you are interested in. Do your research and get an idea of the market for that car. Find a couple to go and see. Are you going to buy private or use a dealer?
Take your time. Once you find a possible car which fits, please get it inspected if you are buying privately.

A dealer will normally have, vehicle history and either give a warranty or offer a vehicle inspection report.
It would be a good idea to pull the Car fax report or get vehicle history report about the vehicle. Get the title of the vehicle if your are buying private and do the registration documentation for your state.

Now haggle on the price and try and strike a good deal. Only then hand over your hard earned cash.


Monday, 5 November 2012

Trouble finding your cars VIN Number?

It came to my attention the other day that a mechanic seemed to think the only place you could find a vehicle identification number was just above the dashboard on the driver’s side of the car.
I surprised by Josh not knowing there can be several other places you can find it apart from the dashboard. Depending on the manufacture, you can find VIN numbers at various locations on the vehicle.
Here are a few more typical places you could try.
Try the door jamb on the driver’s side, on the car frame under the hood, usually in the centre just below the windshield.
Failing those here is a couple more. Look in the truck under the spare tire. How about looking for it in the wheel well normally on driver’s side above the tire.
If you still can’t see it try contacting the manufacture or your dealership for advice.


Wednesday, 31 October 2012

Superstorm Sandy the devistation and the cost of clean up

Just watch those pictures, words fail me.

It was hard to image just how bad it must have been for the folks in that storm down the eastern sea board of the United States.

Power outs, flooding, rain, wind and fire. It's hard to imagine anything worse.
But the American people can dig deep if they have too and I'm quite sure given time the scars will start to heal.
I even saw a picture of yellow taxi cabs all flooded in a parking lot, boats in the middle of streets, smashed buildings and it was reported many, many people had no power or heat.

People are much more important than property of course and rebuilding lives and getting back to normal must be many peoples wish right now.

After the Storm.

Some people will be looking to replace damaged vehicles at some point after getting back to something like a normal life. Car buyers must be very aware of all those damaged cars which may find there way on to the secondhand car market.
So many flood damaged vehicles will up for sale it will be a nightmare trying to tell them from others that have not been damaged. How do you go about telling which ones are good and those that are not?
Use a quality dealer wherever you can and look at the mechanical inspection report and the Vin number report to make sure it was not in the hurricane.

I still can't take it all in.


Saturday, 27 October 2012

Made a video Yesterday. What is a VIN Number

Yes, I posted a video in You tube yesterday, What is a VIN number
, trying to help people understand more about the mystery of the VIN number or vehicle identification number.
A rather boring subject but it could really help avoid buying a lemon car and save people a lot of heartache in the process.

Thursday, 25 October 2012

Love Your Car

Yes I love my car.

Wash it, polish it and have it serviced at the right time. Many people do and some do not.
I look at it like this. If you look after your car it reflects on you as person. A grubby dirt car in side and out, little in the way of regular servicing or maintenance is more likely to let you down.

Yes I know the weather can be pain. Just just washed it, it's nice clean and a farmer friend asks you round for dinner down that old track. Oh well, these things happen.

Just like today!

Video, Love Your Car


Tuesday, 23 October 2012

Saudis in Audis,Funny Video

I came across this video the other day.
Must be great to just plug a pipe into the ground and fill up!

Saturday, 20 October 2012

I love wheels.

Hi people, Malcolm Ross here.
I've always loved just about anything with wheels on since I was about 4 years old.
Yep, crashed my peddle car at the bottom of the garden when I was only 4 years old. Talk about starting young.

This Blog.
Thought I start one and post every now and then about topic loosely related to general topic area of wheeled vehicles. So it's quite a wide range to go at.

Speak later, Mal